Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Linux: CentOS 6.3 - Guide to install GNOME Desktop from CLI using yum

1. You would need to install "X Windows System" first, as this is the based that provide GUI and rich input device capability before installing GNOME Desktop. This will take a while as yum would download packages from the net before installing, therefore please have your internet connection setup before executing. Command to execute :-
# yum groupinstall -y 'X Window System'
2. Next will be the command for installing GNOME Desktop Environment :-
#  yum groupinstall -y 'Desktop'
3.  Done. To start GNOME type the following command :-
# startx
Note: If you would like to start GNOME automatically after reboot, you would need to edit the /etc/inittab file by changing the line " id:3:initdefault: " to " id:5:initdefault: " in the file.

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