Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Linux: CentOS 6.3 - Guide to install GNOME Desktop from CLI using yum

1. You would need to install "X Windows System" first, as this is the based that provide GUI and rich input device capability before installing GNOME Desktop. This will take a while as yum would download packages from the net before installing, therefore please have your internet connection setup before executing. Command to execute :-
# yum groupinstall -y 'X Window System'
2. Next will be the command for installing GNOME Desktop Environment :-
#  yum groupinstall -y 'Desktop'
3.  Done. To start GNOME type the following command :-
# startx
Note: If you would like to start GNOME automatically after reboot, you would need to edit the /etc/inittab file by changing the line " id:3:initdefault: " to " id:5:initdefault: " in the file.

Linux: CentOS 6.3 - Force DHCP client to renew ip address

Here are a few commands that I used to renew the ip address that has DHCP configured.

1. ifdown and ifup command to restart network card eth0 as follows :-

# ifdown eth0
# ifup eth0
2. Restarting the networking services command :-
# /etc/init.d/networking restart
3. Restart network service using service command :-
# service network restart
4. This command is for releasing the ip address :-
# sudo dhclient -r
This command is for getting a ip address :-
# sudo dhclient 

Linux: CentOS 6.3 - Changing the hostname or computer name

First of all, you need the command to check what is your box computer name(hostname).

Please note that all the "#" sign shown are meant to be the start of the command prompt, therefore please ignore it.

To check your hostname, type the following command:
# hostname

I am using the following method to change the hostname of my linux box:-

1. Change the hostname by using sudo hostname command.
# sudo hostname 'newhostname'
(without the quotes)

2. Edit the network configuration file. Type this command to use vi editor.
vi /etc/sysconfig/network
2.2 Find the following line => hostname = localhost.domain.local
change the "localhost.domain.local" to your new hostname.
(note: in vi editor press i or the insert key to switch to insert/editing mode. Press "Esc" to exit insert/editing mode.)
2.3 Save and close the file.
(note: in vi editor type :wq! follow by enter to save and quit the editor)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day Trading Strategies For Beginners

I would strongly recommend beginners for trading read this link below.

The author is writing as per experience and stating the truth. As always, practising to be perfect in your trading isn't as easy as being thought or said.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 review

Here is a review that I find it in real detail but do not that it is a little lengthy.


Merging multiple mp3 files into a single mp3 file for Mac OS X

Trying to create rip an audio book into mp3 while I faced this problem.

Basically, the audio book CD came in various tracks in it.
After ripping it from iTunes to mp3, multiple mp3 files had been created which is not very convenient to manage or listen.

Here is a command from the Terminal which I used to merge the multiples mp3 files together >>

for i in *; do echo $i; cat $i >> bigfile.mp3; done;

This command will actually join the mp3 files together and show the sequence it was being joined. Please rename your file in sequence and make sure there isn't any spaces in the filename.

Tips and Tricks : Increase VirtualBox VDI disk size

Run this command >> VBoxManage modifyhd YOUR_HARD_DISK.vdi --resize SIZE_IN_MB

In example :-

To modify the existing vdi operating system to 40000MB instead of default 10GB.
Assume my file name is WinXP.vdi.

Command to run >>
VBoxManage modifyhd WinXP.vdi --resize 40000

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Difference between encoding and encryption?

Interesting to be suddenly being questioned by someone on this topic.
Here is a simple form to the answer.

    Encoding is changing the way data is presented
      - using a public, generally-understood, and (usually) low-overhead method
      - for the purpose of allowing the data to survive intact and easily recoverable after some sort of transfer.
    Encryption is changing the way data is presented
      - using a method or a key that is restricted and (as it happens) often computationally intensive
      - for the purpose of shielding the data from some people while making it available to others.